Thursday, May 26, 2011

MacDefender Trojoan Strikes Again!

Apple and Mac folks I'd like to welcome you to the Windows world of malicious and pernicious attacks - even 'drive bys'. For over two decades I and the rest of the security world have been trying to inform people that NO networked system is safe from attack. Because of the sheer number and percentage of Windows machines vs. Mac and Linux machines, they have been the most easily targeted and exploited target. But that is changing! With the spread of OSX on the desktop and the realization by the malicious software vendors that Mac people are VERY EASILY duped and exploited because of their false sense of security, they are coming on strong and fast!

I recently wrote about the new Mac Trojan out and how to defend against it and remove it – read here. After 25 days Apple finally did put a notice and instructions on how to remove it. BUT only after telling their technicians AND users that 1st it didn't exist and then that they would not provide help!

Mac malware authors have released a new, much more dangerous version of MacDefender trojan variant:

"Unlike the previous variants of this fake antivirus, no administrator’s password is required to install this program. Since any user with an administrator’s account – the default if there is just one user on a Mac – can install software in the Applications folder, a password is not needed. This package installs an application – the downloader – named avRunner, which then launches automatically. At the same time, the installation package deletes itself from the user’s Mac, so no traces of the original installer are left behind."
Please read this from ZDnet

Apple is promising an update to OS X "in the coming days" that will detect the malware and its known variants, remove it, and remain in order to warn the user if they download it again. But don’t hold your breath!

I've spent years worth of time dealing with people who have been 'sold' on the false idea that "Macs don't get viruses or hacked". Wrong wrong wrong! OS X is built on a '*nix' core - one of the oldest operating system architectures in the world. How could you NOT think that there are exploits around that are just waiting to be ported to the newest derivatives? What type of systems do you think the hackers/crackers where getting into in the 70's and 80's?
I fault Apple a great deal for this. They have been literally selling the LIE that Macs are not susceptible to hacks for years. AND people believe them!

Again welcome to the world of Windows PC responsible computing. Be careful or get burned.

Please practice safe computing folks.

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