Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Calling demons bunnies

Scarry times indeed.

I have been saying this all along and don't understand how some people get it.
Our current administration is completely out of touch with reality.

Our enemies, particularly radical islam, WANT US DEAD. Period, end of story. And will ruthlessly and patiently work toward that end.
The left believe that they are just 'misguided or just want to get along too'. You know, "those poor little terrorists a just striving for peace".

The last line of this article is the scariest, ".......mischaracterizes the nature of the enemy and its abilities."
Does anybody remember September 11th, the Cole, the Embassy bombings, the London train station, the Spanish train stations, and all or our service men who perished at their hands??David Pearl?
The beheading's on live TV?OR the tens of thousands of 'infidels' [read non-muslims or muslims who disagree with radicalism] that are killed every year!?

It is impossible to reason with unreasonable people! Why can't the left see that? Oh, wait because they themselves are as unreasonable.
Damn scarry, we'll probably have to have another 9-ll to wake people up again. I pray we don't.

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