Saturday, January 7, 2012

Some more notes on the Samsung Galaxy S2

After helping a friend for a very short time with her new phone; initial setup and one-click root downloading a few applications and such. I realized that many of the simple things I did to my phone to make it so kick ass and incredibly usable, I had already forgot how to do quickly and efficiently.

And one of the really cool things about Android 2.3.x devices is that you can configure your home screens AND which order they are displayed and which one is the default one.
So here are some tips for just that – set the home screen(s):

Pinch the home screen. you will then see all your 'home' screens. [you can 'shuffle them around if you like by placing your finger on them and rotating them]

Then click on the 'menu' button' - lower left one at the bottom. This will bring up a option "Set as Home", click on it then..
Pick the home screen you want to be your primary/first home screen - it will 'light up'.

Then click on the 'Done' item at the bottom of the screen. (don't click on delete!).

Then simply click on the 'Home' menu button (bottom of phone second from left) and voila, You now have the home screen of your choice!
Here is a video of the process (sorry for the blurriness)

And here is a good link with way more in depth information and VERY good video at the bottom. Video alone is worth checking this out.

Also the Galaxy S2 is a really durable device; especially the Super AmoLED+ display. If you don't believe me, you must check out this short video! It should make any iPhoner cringe.

But of course I still got a case for my phone.

I bought 4 of these things from Amazon. The are models for all Samsungs, here is the AT&T one. I love how slim this is and it fits snuggly. I'm sure that if I continually open and close it (to insert different/new micro sd cards), that it will 'wear out'. But for the price it simply can't be beat. Already dropped my phone a few times and it has kept it from scratches or nicks. I'm going to by a few more to have on hand. Like I said for this price it's silly not to have a couple.

Although the glass is very strong I think I am still going to get a cover for the screen anyways and see if they have any effect on the touch functioning.
Found some highly rated ones here. Sprint or AT&T

Some other items you might consider;

An additional wall charger and car charger.

High quality micro USB cable. I have mentioned before of the need to make sure you have a HIGH quality data cable(s). These often make the difference of being able to quickly and easily sync/connect devices and hour of frustration trying to figure out 'why' your device is not quite recognized. Here is one such cable.

Well that’s it for now have fun.

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